It seems simple, but it can be trickier than you’d think! Figure out the best ways to keep a broomstick standing upright, and learn some key engineering and math concepts about lines, the power of triangles, and why the mast of your boat doesn’t fall down (kind of important!). Geared for grades 3-8, but all ages are welcome.
What’s the connection between a boat that’s propelled by soap, and fighting the coronavirus? Through a series of simple but surprising experiments, we’ll investigate how soap works and the chemistry behind it!
Design and build a rubber band powered paddleboat out of easy-to-find, recycled materials and check out the math and science behind why it works…or doesn’t work, which can be even more fun and interesting! Learn why Newton’s Third Law of Physics and the mathematical definition of a line are important to engineers, and do some designing, testing, and problem solving …
Intro to the Courageous Sailing STEM Studio, hands-on STEM activity videos about sailing-related engineering and physics, marine biology, and more.