Our Partners in Community Service
Courageous is proud to partner with many like-minded nonprofit organizations. During our longstanding relationship with Special Olympics of Massachusetts, Courageous has hosted the Special Olympics Summer Games, and continues to be a host training venue for Special Olympics athletes two days each week. We have another close partnership with The Carroll Center for the Blind, whose pioneering Sail Blind program has called Courageous a home base for two decades. With the Carrol Center, Courageous has been host to national blind sailing regattas, the annual Harry McDonough Regatta for the Blind, and weekly Sail Blind racing and recreational practice sessions. Courageous is also home base for the Big Sisters Association of Greater Boston’s annual Adventure Sail program for inner-city girls, an event that has drawn hundreds of women and girls into the sport of sailing. In recent years we have been developing new and exciting relationships with Boston Family Boatbuilding, Boston Afterschool and Beyond, and the Boston Public Schools.