Member Portal
Crew Finder FORUM
If you're a skipper looking for crew, or a Courageous member looking to meet others out on the water. This is the place for you! Sign-in our website so you can post and respond.
I want to go sailing!
Use these resources to help us get you out on the harbor as soon as possible!- Use our Planyo Reservation Tool to let us know when you'll be arriving
If you're a Green Flag member visiting the outer harbor, make sure to fill out a float plan. Don't worry, if your plans change, you can always come back and edit it later!
Make sure that you (and everyone in your crew) have filled out our waiver for this season.
On the day of...
Before you come down to the pier, check
To confirm that we're open, and to make sure the conditions out on the water are within your comfort zone.
You and each of your crew members need to fill out our Covid-19 Symptom Notifier before you reach the boathouse.