Turning Learning Loss Around

Access to learning opportunities has never been more important. The academic disruption of the pandemic has impacted all students, but it has been worse for youth of color, who may have “lost” the cumulative equivalent of 6-12 months of learning. Summer learning programs like ours are critical to getting kids’ education back on track. Our free, five-week Swim Sail Science program, offered in partnership with Boston Public Schools, engages elementary students at risk of learning loss. Each summer, sixty kids reinforce reading, writing, and math basics and build high-level critical thinking skills through a hands-on, environmental science-based academic curriculum. Data confirm that year after year, Swim Sail Science students make impressive academic gains and become more confident, engaged learners. But learning doesn’t stop with Swim Sail Science! After a school year in which many students felt left behind or uninspired, Courageous sailors at all levels were excited to jump into STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities. Students waited breathlessly on the dock to see and learn about the animals our two marine biology instructors brought up from their dives. Kids learned about buoyancy, design, and how sailboats work by creating and testing “trash boats,” kites, and marine debris skimmers. From testing water quality to bouncing between squeamishness and curiosity while watching an up-close fish dissection, Courageous kids got caught up in the fun of learning, and they’re ready for more.
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