Courageous COVID-19 Response:
AP Guide
Thank you so much for hanging in with us! It has been a long road to reopening and we still have much of it ahead of us. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move through this together.
Below you will find a walkthrough of what your sailing experience will look like and our new 2020 Member Policies. Most changes are on the pier and dock, where we have implemented strict physical distancing and cleaning policies.
In addition to the following, please note the following important points:
We have added some new items to the Updated Policies. Please see them spotlighted below, under the various Member Policy Updates.
We have lifted our restriction on "inter-household" sailing. Please see the guest policy section, below.
According to state guidelines, dock staff is still not allowed to assist with members leaving and returning to the dock, so please be ready to singlehand or have your crew assist you.
New 2020 Member Policies
last updated 07/3/20
Please take the time to review all the COVID-19 response policies. They are created to both keep the Courageous experience as similar to past years as possible, but also to keep the health and safety of our staff and participants forefront in our minds! Click here for the Membership Policy Updates, 2020, COVID-19 Response

Pier Walkthrough
last updated 07/3/20
This is a summary of what you need to know for your visits to Pier 4. This walkthrough inherently pairs with the member policies, which must be read and agreed to before signing our new 2020 waiver.
Before coming on the pier
Waiver- This is one time a year, though it has been updated as of 6/17. If you signed your waiver for the 2020 season before June 17 please sign a new one. Click here for the waiver.
Member Policies- This walkthrough gives you a view of what the policies have changed, but it is important for members to understand all the new policies we have needed to implement. Please read through them carefully and understand what the staff will be requesting from you. Click here for the Membership Policy Updates.
Reservation- This needs to be done in advance of each day you wish to come to the pier. Please remember that until further notice you need a reservation to sail at Courageous. Click here for the reservation system.
Tracker- This needs to be completed the day of your sail, every time you come to the pier in 2020. Please remember to file your symptom tracker before each trip to the pier. Click here for the symptom notifier.
On the pier
Look for our signs, they are there to help guide you through the new process and remind you of critical new steps including:
Have you completed your symptom notifier? This must be completed before arriving.
Masks on - Please have your mask on by the time you get to the porta-potty area
Wash your hands - Before approaching the front-desk for check in
Check in
Check the white board- It now includes daily reminders around our new Covid policies and our 20 second song of the day
Membership cards- During your first visit please bring your card with you, we will sanitize it and now be storing it behind the desk for the season.
Radios- Are still kept behind the front desk. They are sanitized between uses and MUST go out with each vessel.
Lifejackets- We have moved the lifejackets outdoors (no members will be welcome inside the boat house). They are organized by size in bins by the railing. If you are interested in purchasing a lifejacket please talk to Caitlyn about more details on how to place an order.
Float Plans- For our green flag sailors going past the airport, the float plans are filed digitally this year. Save this Outer Harbor Float Plan link on your phone or computer and complete a plan either the evening before or day of your reservation. A float plan should be filed AFTER you make a reservation.
Picnic Tables- Our picnic tables are now reserved for staff only. We cannot allow gathering or hanging out outside the boathouse, on the pier, or on the dock until further notice.
Personal Belongings- Regretfully, there is no storage of personal belongings anywhere on site. Please leave it at home, in the car, or bring it with you sailing.
On your boat
Getting to your boat: It is hard to give personal space on the gangway, therefore we will be viewing it as a “one way”. When someone is already walking, please yield to them at the top or bottom of the ramp until they go by.
On your boat: You’re ready to go sailing, please radio up to the front desk and let us know you are taking off. This step makes sure we don’t send someone down to rig directly next to you.
You’ve pushed off and finally you can take your mask off! Freedom! It almost feels like it’s 2019. Sailing is so great!
Returning to the dock: 15 minutes before your return to the dock, notify us! Most likely you will have a slot for returning, but we need to stagger push offs and dockings, so we need to know when you are coming back.
Dock staff is not allowed to assist with members leaving and returning to the dock, so please be ready to singlehand or have your crew assist you.
After your sail
Masks on for returning: Remember that you need to have your mask back on during your approach to the dock and then until you leave the pier.
Tie up, and de-rig: Please leave the jib out of the sail bag and the sail cover off of the main. This allows us to appropriately clean the jib hanks and the main sail cover is our indicator that the boat still needs to be cleaned.
Lifejackets in the used bin: Your lifejacket goes in the used bin at the top of the gangway, where it will be cleaned before its next use.
Radios: Your radio can be left in the “used radio” bin at the frontdesk so that it can be cleaned before its next use.
After you leave
The boat will be cleaned and the sailcover will be put back on to indicate it is clear for the next user.
Your lifejacket(s) and radio will be cleaned.
Facilities are cleaned on a regular basis.
Thank you for coming down!

Member Policy Update: Q Dock
last updated 07/3/20
In an effort to provide an additional layer of protection to members that self categorize as high risk, we have adopted a practice commonly used for ships entering a new port. In addition to our standard cleaning practices, we will be “quarantining” vessels after a single use, for 3 days.
We have allocated 6 boats in our fleet as “Q” boats and marked them with a yellow “Q” flag on the backstay. Only 2 boats of the 6 will be available each day, allowing for 3 days of quarantine for the others. The boats will live at the end of our dock, closest to the mouth of the Harbor to maintain the most distance from the rest of membership as possible. Please return the boat to its original slip following your sail. Any high-risk member wishing to utilize our “Q boats” fleet can make a reservation in our system by choosing “Q boats” from the options listed. Members not identifying as being in the “high risk” category are asked to utilize our standard R19 fleet and not to dock on any of the Q boats.
Fun Fact- Wikipedia defines the Q flag as: The plain yellow flag ("Quebec" or Q), perhaps derives its letter symbol for its initial use in quarantine, but this flag in modern times indicates the opposite—a ship that declares itself free of quarantinable disease, and requests boarding and inspection by Port State Control to allow the grant of "free pratique".

Member Policy Update: Checkouts
last updated 07/3/20
Due to restrictions still in place, check-outs for the 2020 season will look a little differently. Any new members will be asked to email a short summary of their sailing experience to program director Caitlyn Ridgely and reserve a time to do a “physically distanced check-out”. New members or those in need of a check-out in a different fleet will be briefed by staff on what they will be covering while on the water, and instructed via VHF radio when to perform various maneuvers. Courageous staff will evaluate the checkout from a motorboat. Rigging and de-rigging will be observed by the Courageous staff member from the dock. You may also be asked to explain how you will approach a maneuver before performing it so staff can make recommendations if an approach should be altered.
Note: Due to the high level of traffic, check-outs will not be possible on July 4th weekend.

Member Policy Update: Guest Policy
last updated 07/3/20
In line with Phase 2 guidelines, Courageous will be lifting the “inter-household” sailing restriction originally released in an abundance of caution with our Reopening Guidelines. Members may sail with guests of their choosing beginning July 4.
Note: The measurement from the common position of the skipper on a R19 to a crew on the opposite side controlling the jib is approximately 4.5 feet. Falling within the 6 foot recommendation in place for Massachusetts, Courageous recommends that guests sailing with individuals outside their household wear a mask/face covering in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19.