Member Portal


Crew Finder FORUM

If you're a skipper looking for crew, or a Courageous member looking to meet others out on the water. This is the place for you! Sign-in our website so you can post and respond. 

I want to go sailing!

Use these resources to help us get you out on the harbor as soon as possible!
  1. 1
    Use our Planyo Reservation Tool to let us know when you'll be arriving
  2. 2

    If you're a Green Flag member visiting the outer harbor, make sure to fill out a float plan. Don't worry, if your plans change, you can always come back and edit it later!

  3. 3

    Make sure that you (and everyone in your crew) have filled out our waiver for this season.

  4. On the day of...

  5. 4

    Before you come down to the pier, check

    To confirm that we're open, and to make sure the conditions out on the water are within your comfort zone.

  6. 5

    You and each of your crew members need to fill out our Covid-19 Symptom Notifier before you reach the boathouse.

Reserve a boat