Courageous COVID-19 Response:
YP Components
Summer Youth Program
last updated 06/10/20
Due to current restrictions around social distancing, which ask us to maintain 6 feet of distance between individuals from different households, we are only signing students up for remote programming at this time. You can find our remote schedule here.
That being said, we think it’s reasonable to hope that we will eventually be able to get students out sailing. If this becomes possible, we will offer optional opportunities for individual kids to sign up to go for at least one two-hour sail with an instructor in the afternoon. These sails would be in addition to our remote programming.
We understand that being away from friends and community has been hard for kids (and all of us), and it’s with that in mind that we have shifted our program goals for the summer to be more aligned with fostering connection. You can find our adjusted summer goal and logic model here.
- Swim forms are due before the start of program
- Scholarships requests can be in the form of a 2018 tax form or quick writeup of how your financial circumstances have changed.
- Course enrollments and payment options will be sent on 6/12/20
Step 1/JP1/UMB2:
It is with much sadness and disappointment that we have made the painful decision not to run Step 1, JP1, or UMB2 this year. We’ve had to make some tough calls to balance program quality with safety. We feel we can’t safely provide program for beginner students should we be able to run. We also don’t want students who are just starting out at Courageous to miss out on the “magic” of a typical Courageous experience and running an introductory remote program over zoom did not meet our program objectives. These factors coupled with the need to reduce our group sizes (both remotely and in person) as well as not being able to use our UMass Boston site this summer, led us to this incredibly hard decision.
Contact Ashton Smith at if you have any questions.
STEM Resources
Jen, our Education Director, has been making STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activity videos for kids, and we invite you to check them out on our website! You can find these on Facebook as well; make sure to follow Courageous Sailing for new episodes.

After School Sailing
It pains us to announce that Courageous will not be able to run our After School Sailing program for the first time since its inception. Current health guidelines and the uncertainty surrounding all of our programming have compelled us to cancel the program that annually brings 100 students to our Pier and out onto the Boston Harbor. Our hope is that we will be able to provide programming and opportunities later in the season for youth and families to experience the sport of sailing.